Thursday, July 24, 2003

I really don't know what to do right now. My ex-girlfriend just moved to Utah. I haven't talked to her since October, but I emailed her when I found out she moved, and we've been conversing a bit since. I still am not 100% sure that I want to be talking to her. Our relationship ending kind of messy and she did some things to me that I won't ever forget. But at the same time, she was a really close friend of mine for three years, and I feel the need to try to repair what happened and try to be friends with her again. I'm not interested in her at all romantically anymore, but I still hold hopes that our friendship can get back to what it was before. Maybe I'm just crazy (there are some people who won't argue that). I really don't know what to do.

On a much less serious and more nerdy side note, Kingdom Hearts is a fun game, but it really pisses me off sometimes. I hate the battle system, and I really just want to stab Goofy in the eyes, but I have to play long enough to at least see Halloween Town. But as soon as I get that far, Goofy is as good as dead.

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