Sunday, June 27, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

So, I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11. Go see it. It's a well done movie and should be required viewing for any voting American (or any American). It's a well done movie, and is entertaining, heartbreaking and eye opening at the same time.

That said, I did have my complaints (nothing is perfect). I already knew a lot of the facts in the movie beforehand, so it wasn't as new or informative as I was hoping it to be. Not that that's a knock on the movie; I just think it would have been more shocking if I went in naive about the whole thing. Second, there were a lot of facts that Michael Moore left out that could have driven his point home even harder. For instance, he never even mentioned Operation New Direction for America (I think that was the name), in which Bush and his cronies had laid out a plan to over take Iraq and other countries...before they were even in office. In the official plan, the bastards say that there's no way the American people would go along with the plan unless another "Pearl Harbor happened." I think this would have made Moore's argument that the Bush administration was using 9/11 solely as a reason to invade Iraq even stronger (thanks to Jeff for that information). Lastly, Michael didn't seem as fired up as he usually is in his movies and TV shows. I just didn't feel much anger from him. However, I can understand that, since he wanted this movie to reach a very wide audience, I'm sure that he didn't want it to come off as just a pissed off rant from some left-wing nut. So, those complaints aside, it was still an excellent movie, and you should go see it.

Also, for those of you who read this who are still set on voting for Bush in November (which I'm pretty sure is 0, but humor me anyway), I'm going to try and post one news article, story, etc a day to try to convince you otherwise. Here's the first one; apparently, Bush doesn't really see it necessary to educate our children on how to protect themselves from HIV.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Chicken Nuggets

How the hell do the employees of my local KFC drive better cars than mine?

Damn you Eric for getting Steph and I addicted to this game.

Ch-Check it out

So I added some links to the sidebar and did some minor changes. Check out the Michael Moore, Move On, and Punk Voter sites, if you're politically inclined (and you should be, given what's going on in our world today). I think I'm going to re-learn some html stuff; I must have some inner computer nerd somewhere inside of me, cause I get somewhat excited when I'm coding (ie copy and pasting) for my own page. So Matt, want to teach me some stuff?

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Buy Wadded Up Paper Now!

Fucking funny shit.

I don't think that I put Postal Service on my top ten list for last year. I apologize for letting myself down.

So I faxed my application/resume to the vet hospital over by Costco. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

If I wasn't so sure that you were a lesbian, I'd say you were coming onto me

So I changed the look of my site. I wish I could say that I designed it myself, but the only thing I recall from my web design class in high school is how to make words bold....ah I can still make words bold like a mothafucker.

Matt made awesome burgers today.

Oh yeah! My bacon air fresheners came yesterday! They don't smell much like bacon, but at least I have a huge picture of bacon hanging from my rear view window.

You know you're jealous of me.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

The World is Full of Crashing Bores

It's almost 1:30, and I'm not tired at all. Steph is passed out, and I'm just chilling. I've had problems falling asleep the last couple of nights. I guess I'm just in summer night owl mode, but it makes it hard when you've got to get up early in the morning.

Check out the new Morrissey album. It rules.

So I'm working on my resume. It's hard for me to come up with abilities/skills that I've obtained from my lastest job. That's pretty bad, since I've been a manager for two years. Let's see, I've learned how to become jaded, I've learned to expect that every customer that comes in has a high chance of saying the stupidest thing ever, and I've learned that it's reallt frustrating working for a company that's run by monkeys. And I'm not talking about cut little apes that could be our closely related ancestors. I'm talking about hairy, stiny, red-assed shit throwing monkeys who wouldn't think twice about gnawing your arm off. Oh yeah, they also wear dress slacks and have business cards. Fuckin' monkeys have it made, I tell ya....

Someone bring me Cheez-its.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Simmer Down Now

Okay. It's hot. Anybody who knows how to make a suit entirely out of ice, give me a call.

For some reason, I'm in the mood to watch documentaries. I just watched "Capturing the Friedmans;" it was fucking good. I'm still not sure who is telling the truth in it, but it is interesting to see just how much time can warp our memories. Now I'm watching "Spellbound." It's about spelling bees. Shut up. Don't you judge me.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

It is entirely too hot

I learned something last night; don't kick a soccer ball in front of Felix's cage. Apparently, it freaks him out. I was just dribbling the ball near his cage, didn't even come that close, and he flipped out and started running circles around his cage. The cool thing was, was that I don't think that he touched the ground while doing it; I'm pretty sure he was running along the sides of the cage, all Matrix style and shit. I think my bunny is an agent.

I picked up an application for a vet (animal vet that is, not vet as in I don't really need to poo in a bed pan but I'm going to do it anyway just to get the satisfaction of making you clean it up) hospital today, and am now in the process of creating a resume. The only thing that sucks is is that the lady said that the hours the usually hire for are 6 PM to 1 AM. That's not really kosher for me, but I'm applying in the hopes that they have some more decent hours available.

13 year old girls are in my pool, yelling something about botox. I can't concentrate.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Take a joke

"DETROIT - Jimmy Kimmel's late-night talk show was pulled off the air for a night following a joke the comedian made about Detroit during the NBA Finals.Kimmel was talking to ABC sportscaster Mike Tirico during halftime of Tuesday's game when he said, "They're going to burn the city of Detroit down if the Pistons win, and it's not worth it." Tirico, an Ann Arbor resident, immediately objected, telling him to be careful about making fun of Detroit. ABC made the decision to pull Wednesday night's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" from affiliates nationwide shortly after the program was taped that night in California."

Have we become a nation of crybabies, not able to take a joke? Are we that scared of upsetting anybody that we can't even make lame jokes? I hope not.

Reagan's dead. Get over it. He was a crap-ass president anyway.

My laptop's back. Awwww yeah.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Ford, you're turning into a penguin...Stop it

So my laptop is finally on it's way to Apple. Turns out the guy working the mail place didn't realize that the label on the box was the return lable. Genius.

Why do people think that I'm the one charging them $17.99 for a cd? "Oh, well, that's $17.99 'cause I hate you. Fucker."

This rage I can not let go

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Okay. For some reason the comment link doesn't appear on the main page, but if you click on the time stamp of the comment, a link for posting appears at the bottom. Yay! People can comment now!! Well, Matt can comment now; he's the only person I know for sure that comments. That means you have to pick up the slack for everyone else Matt. Sorry.

Everyone on my team play the game of soccer!

I'm sure I've used that title before, but I'm using it tonight because someone (although I don't know who) is not doing their job. Steph took my laptop to AIrborne Express to mail it. They send that there wasn't an airbill. I called Apple. I told them what was in the box. They said it was the airbill. I was headed back to the mailbox account number to bill Apple. I call apple back. "You don't need to take it in. Just call the Airborne number provided for pick up." "There's no number anywhere." "'ll have to call back tomorrow." Arg.

I started looking for a new job. I saw a couple of vet hospitals in the classifieds are hiring. One of them is apply in-person, so I'll have to go do that on my next day off. I'm tired of working retail. I want to put all my scientific knowledge to work (not that I have a whole hell of a lot, but I have enough).

I got my grades back; C in animal physiology (even though I never went on the mandatory fieldtrip. Score!), A- in vert bio and B+ in behavioral ecology. Not bad. I have one semester left, and my GPA is 3.39. I would love to get a 3.5, but we'll see.

I'm going to watch Home Movies now.

Thursday, June 03, 2004


So my laptop's out of commission for a bit.It's all green and pink looking. It makes me feel like I'm on acid.

I spent the last two days cleaning the back room of where I work. I'm f-ing tired.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I Don't Rap, I just Explain Shit Good

So maybe you can't comment on my posts. I'm working on trying to figure out why not.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is fucking great.

Modest Mouse was playing in Best Buy today. Surreal.

Can't talk. Eating chinese food and watching Aqua Teen. Bye

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Oh yeah. I set it up so you can commment now. So do it!

The Day After Tomorrow is Going to be a Crappy One...

So, saw the movie mentioned in my title. It sucked. Steph had hopes for it cause it had Jake Gyllenhaal in it, but I was wary. And the wariness was warrented. First off, Dennis Quaid needs to get a new agent, cause after being in Cold Creek Manor, and now this movie, I'm starting to question his abilities as an actor. Moving on, the plot was unbelievable, but that's given for a disaster flick. What I don't understand about disaster flicks is, how can they afford to pay for all those fancy special effects, but not afford any good acting? I guess it's a weird Hollywood paradox. So basically the plot goes like this: Dennis Quaid is a global climatologist; his studies lead him to predict that a new ice age could hit in 100 years or so. Guess what? 100 years turns out to be tomorrow. The Earth's weather gets all funky, Dennis tries to tell people that it's happening sooner than he predicted and of course, no one believes him. Suggestion for people in disaster flicks: start listening to the experts. They might actually know something. So weather gets bad, LA is destroyed by tornados (if only it were true....), and New York is flooded and then frozen. Did I mention that Dennis Quaid's son is trapped in the National Library in New York? Oh, well he is, and in the most heart wrenching scene in the movie, Dennis promises to come find his son. About an hour and a half later, and a bunch of dead, frozen dumbasses, Dennis reaches his son. Oh, and by the way, the President is dead and the entire northern hemisphere is frozen, and some kid with a brain tumor finally gets transported to a makeshift hospital, were I guess he can go through the pain of dying of brain cancer instead of the peaceful death of being frozen instantly. But at least Dennis Quaid found his son! Joy! "What's that son? What about possible food shortages and mass starvations and even worse over-crowding? Well, I guess that's something we'll have to worry about...whoops! Movie's over! Guess we didn't have time to discuss that. Guess we'll just have to live happily ever-after!"

People who don't want to read that huge review, skip to this part:
Pretty special effects, crappy acting, crappy script, worst looking computer generated timber wolves ever.

On a lighter note, before the movie, I went to the bathroom to discover that my boxers were on backwords and inside out. Don't ask. I don't have an answer.

We had our engagement party the other night. It was lots of fun, people seemed to have a good time, and I got to imitate Steph's orgasm. Yeah. I had a lot to drink.