Sunday, September 19, 2004

Serenity Now

We found out on Thursday that Steph is getting laid off at the end of this month. One of the three houses is being closed, so they have to consolidate workers, and unfortunately, she was one of10 to get the axe. I have the utmost confidence that she'll be able to find a job no problem, but it does concern me a bit. We just moved, and our monthly bills are a little higher than in the past, so it's bad timing. But she's got a lot of experience, so I know she'll be able to find a new job quick.

Tuesday I have an outline and a ten point bibliograhy due. The one thing I don't understand about this is that the actual paper isn't ue for two months. Our outline is due two whole months before the paper...that seems a bit early. I have no sources yet (partly because I have no clue what my library PIN is, so I can't do any journal research from home), so it is my fault that I haven't gotten anything done yet. But I really don't care. I can't get motivated about this class, and all I really care about is passing the class. So fuck it.

Tomorrow we're cleaning the old apartment. I'm not looking foward to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, yo. I thought the same thing, "Bad timing." Though, then I found myself asking, "Is there such a thing as good timing for a lay-off?" What about Katia and Henry? Did they get the proverbial axe too?

I have much faith Steph will find a job. At the very least there's burger flipping. It's not prestigeous work, but if there's money to be made, make it. ;) Also, fucking In-N-Out starts at $8.75/hour. Bitches.

Hope all is well, outside of the recent bad news, with you two. We'll have much to talk about soon.
