Friday, August 27, 2004

I Hate GE Classes

Today was the first day of classes. I'm taking an upper division Political Science class to fufill the last GE credits I need to graduate. I'm not sure about this class. In three weeks, I need to have a 10 point bibliography and a fairly detailed outline to turn in for a research paper. Three weeks. That's 6 classes. Thank goodness it's the only class I'm taking (excluding my research, which I have to talk to Dr Girman about). It wouldn't be so bad, but it's a GE class that I couldn't care less about. My only hope is that I'll love the teacher and that will motivate me to be a good student. We'll see.

I got to see my first c-section last night. We delivered four Norwhich terrier pups. They were the cutest things.

We're waiting to here back about a one bedroom cottage in Forrestville. It's a pretty dinky place, but it'll be fine for the two of us, and I love the property it's on. It's hard to believe a place that small cosst $850 a month, but oh well. We're really hoping we get it, so cross your fingers.

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