Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I'm Confused

I don't really understand the whole thing with New Jersey's governor. Turns out he had an affair with a man. And....that's it? So what's the big deal? Why did he need to step down? So the dude's gay. Big deal. Yes, it's bad to cheat on your spouse, but, christ's sake, no one's perfect. And I don't think the issue here is that he had an affair. If he had an affair with a woman, I don't think he would have felt the pressure he felt. I think the issue is that he had an affair with a man. I think it's clear that we are still a predominately homophobic culture. It's sad really. Sometimes I wonder if things really will ever change.

This weekend was Steph's birthday. Sunday we had a BBQ and went out to bar's when midnight came around. Then Monday night we went out to the Belvedere and Jasper's. I really like the Belvedere, and I didn't really like Jasper's. They were blaring really bad rap music and there were a bunch of frat boys there. Not my kind of scene. Steph didn't do so well that night. She ended up puking her brains out. But she survived it. And she'll never do it again :}

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