Sunday, July 25, 2004

Please stop the buzzing

I haved another job interview tomorrow, with the pet hospital that my step-mom works at. She said they're desperate for people, but I kind of want to wait to hear about the other job, cause I know they pay more and my step-mom said that there'd be less of a chance of me becoming a bitch at the place in RP. But we'll see. I'm pretty much sitting on the fence at this point, except for the fact that the hospital in RP is real close to my house, so I could walk and save gas money and get in shape if I worked there. Okay, so maybe I'm not completly sitting on the fence, but I'm not set on either job.

Ayinger Brau-Weisse is a fucking awesome beer. It's got a beany after taste, which is something I never thought I'd say about a beer. It rules.

I'm trying to watch Aqua Teen, but our old ass TV is buzzing so loud, it's driving me crazy.

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