Friday, December 03, 2004

It's Been Awhile...

Okay. So I guess I've got a lot to update you people on. I'll start at Thanksgiving.

I worked on Thanksgiving morning. It was fucking busy. And almost every animal that came in was mean or skittish, which made it harder. For the second week in a row, we found an animal dead in the back. This one bled out its ass. Nasty. That night, we went out to Steph's aunt's house in Newark. It was fun, but I wish we would have had Thanksgiving at her parent's house that night instead. We had dinner their the next night, but I had to go to work and I missed out on desert, pool and poker. Thanksgiving went well though.

I started skinning my baboon that Monday, and the following week I gutted it. We got a lot of good stuff. We got the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and possibly the uterus (my prof had left for the day, so I couldn't ask him), but let me tell you, getting the stomach and the intestines out sucked. They stunk so bad because of the fecal matter in the intestines and the chyme. It was horrible, but went well after that.

We've decided to sell the Beetle. We really need money right now, and we'll get a lot more from it than my car. It's a really cool car, and better than mine, but the payments are also bigger than my current payments, so I don't know if I can afford it, especially right now. I'm a little bummed, but it's okay. I'll get a new car in a couple years. Mine still works fine.

We finally got "Save the Date" cards and invintations for the wedding. We got them at Target for hell of cheap; $40 for 100 invintations and $20 for 100 Save the Date cards. They look really nice too. We also got a space heater dealy, cause it's been freaking cold in our house.

That's all I can remember for right now. Time to watch Real Sex :)


Anonymous said...

Did you resist the urge to throw the monkey's poo?


thatbeernerd said...

I was to busy resisting the urge to spwe my lunch anywhere. But I wish I would have at least thought of making a poo flinging joke.