Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fuck the Whales

We have a clogged drain pipe at work. Unfortunately, it's the drain pipe for our washing machine. So we are faced with two options: let the laundry pile up and take a massive amount to a Laundromat, or let the water empty into buckets, and then dump the water down a working drain. We've been going for option two. I was self-proclaimed laundry man today, and I discovered something kind of disturbing. During one load of laundry, I filled a 5 gallon bucket about 8 times. That means an average load uses about 40 gallons of water. We go through a lot of laundry, being a veterinary hospital, so we do roughly 15 loads a day (sometimes more sometimes less; this is my best guess at the average). This means we use an average of 600 gallons of water a day, just from cleaning our dirty towels, blankets, etc. So in a year, we use around 200,000 gallons of water a year. That just seems like a lot to me. And we're a relatively small clinic. I feel partially responsible for the death of 1, maybe 2 whales. Oh well.

1 comment:

Nathan Gilmer said...

dude you should go into the f---ed up drain with, what was it testicles that feel under the building? hahahhaa!!! i thought that was where you where going.