Sunday, January 04, 2004

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare

We just got back from a weekend in Monterey (well, we didn't just get back; we got back last night, but we went to dinner with Matt and then crashed pretty early, so for all intensive purposes, we got back today. I don't have to explain myself to you!). It was so much fun. I had never been there before, so it was really cool to go someplace I'd never seen. The aquarium was awesome....I tried not to be too much of a sicence nerd so that I wouldn't embarase Steph. It was cool cause she was asking me all these science questions, and for the most part, I had answers. It made me feel smart. We spent the rest of the time waling around the beach and checking out all the tourist's amazing what kind of crap people will buy when they're on vacation. All in all, it was a very good trip. Steph and I decided that we're going to live by the ocean (although we're not sure yet how we'll be able to afford it). Oh well. It's nice to be home.

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