Saturday, March 13, 2004

It's Moments Like This That She'd be Tempted to Spit if She Wasn't So Lady Like

Okay. So I haven't posted a rant in awhile. I've been boring you with details about my life. I've decided that it's time to force some of my opinions on you.

So the California courts have decided to block the gay marriages that have been happening. I won't beat around the bush about my thoughts on gay marriage: I am whole-heartedly for them. I have no problem with gay people at all; one of my good friends is gay (even though it's been awhile since I've called her....sorry Marina), and I've known a couple more. I just don't understand where some people get off saying that it's okay for one group of people can do something, but another group can't. Where the hell is the logic in that? (I know, I know...there is no logic. Let me rant).

Side note: 'Acidic Drycleaner' would be a great name for a a Kama Sutra position.

Back to my rant. Why the hell can't we just look at people for what they are; as people. What difference does it make if two dudes want to get married, or two women? Marriage is about love people. Bottom line. Marriage is about the love between a man and a women, but it is also about the love between a man and another man, or between a women and another women. Let's just let these people be, and concentrate our energy on things that matter, like the fact that our president gace false information about what's been going on in the Middle East, and the fact that we have the highest murder rate in the world. Let's focus our attention people! For christ's sake.....

End 1st rant, Begin 2nd rant.

I read an interview with Conor Oberst (aka Bright Eyes) in Punk Planet today. It was a good interview, but it made me kind of pissed at the music industry. First off, the interviewer had to justify interviewing Conor just because Conor has been getting popular lately, much to his chagrin. Why is it that popularity for indie artists automatically means that they sold out, or that somehow they aren't as cool anymore? He made a good comment about musicians being popular. He talked about how millions of people listen to Elvis Costello, but that when he listens to him, it feels like he's the only person listening to him, because he can connect with him. And that's really all that matters. It doesn't matter how popular an artist is; if you can't connect with them, they might as well just be babbling. The interview also made me annoyed at how much the music industry is based on image. Conor made a good point about how mots "music" magazines don't even give a shit about the actual music, they only care about how cool or beautiful people look like. I know, the music industry has always been based on image, and always will be, but I wish that for once the only thing that mattered was the material, the music. At least to me, that's the only thing that matters.

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